
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Basket Sensory Activity

This activity was born out of my need for several things. First of all, I wanted a fun sensory activity for my children for this season of the year. My kids love sensory activities--especially my nearly three year old daughter. Second of all, I had a need to justify the use of another Easter basket. I don't know what it is about these things, but I have a weakness. I love them. My husband wanted me to downsize our collection (I guess since I cam home with two new baskets a couple of weeks ago), so I found myself analyzing the need for each basket.

This is a nice sensory activity for this time of year because, as you can see, the basket can double as a decoration.

18 months and up

  • Easter Basket
  • Easter grass
  • Treasures to put inside. I put bunnies and eggs. For added excitement, you can put things in the eggs
  • Fill your eggs with treasures if you intend to
  • Put your treasures in the basket buried under the grass

Allow your child to dig through the grass to find the treasures. You child will want to do this over and over again. It is as simple as that.

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