
Friday, February 12, 2010

Winter Games

Supplies: toilet paper, streamers (optional), old clothes, construction paper buttons, carrot nose (cut out of construction paper)
Directions: Break off into teams and see which team can decorate their snowman the fastest. Use TP to wrap (even the head, if you want!), tape on nose and buttons, use a real scarf or streamers for the scarf, and old clothes to dress.
This is a silly game that I think kids will really enjoy! It's fun to get a little crazy with your kids and a great game for your first snow day (like we recently had!).

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it's pretty learning and funny presentation. Any type of game is not only liked by the children also adult persons. Thanks for providing the essential elements and directions for winter game. This is absolutely a cheerful activities. I can also add about graph game sites. Hope this will be pleasing too. 그래프사이트
