
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Snow Painting

Thanks to Val for the great idea!
For our first real snow in possibly 20 years, Val gave us the great idea to do some snow painting. It's easy and really fun!
All you need is a spray bottle or 2, water, food coloring, and snow!
Mix together and have fun! The more food coloring the better, in my opinion. I made 2 mistakes: not dark enough (but I wasn't going back inside to fix it at that point) and I chose blue. If I'd gone darker, blue would have been fine. But since everything takes on a blueish color anyways when it snows, it didn't show up as well as I'd hoped.

Giving her snowman a snow scarf!


  1. I LOVE this idea! We are outside in the snow almost every day. We are usually sledding, shoveling, and building in the snow. I love the artistic bent to this.

    Keep the snow learning activities coming!!

  2. Oh wow! We have tons of snow coming this weekend! I've never done this before but we are so doing it now.
