
Friday, March 5, 2010

Marshmallow Sculptures

Looking for something do do with all those leftover marshmallows besides make 100 cups of hot chocolate or rice crispy treats?


Marshmallows (large and/or small) OR gumdrops

Toothpicks and/or straws

I think the gumdrops work better for tall structures. For ease of use, marshmallows are good.

Activity: See what kind of structures you both can build together using the materials you chose. Can you build something tall, like a castle? Letters? Numbers? Shapes?

This is a fun way to let them be creative and let their imaginations run wild. It's also fun to knock over. :)

*Helpful hint for those with children that will eat themselves sick (Raises hand!): Fill a small bowl up with the amount of treats they are allowed to eat while they build. It's not so much fun if you know you can't sample! We call ours the "Tasting Bowl." (Genius, I know.)

1 comment:

  1. Maybe not the name, but the IDEA of a tasting bowl is genius for sure. There is something so ick about marshmelloverload!
